On 12-03-10 01:06 PM, John C Nash wrote:
Note the I did NOT subscribe. Someone else subscribed me. That is the issue.
Just for fun, I did look at what a Group moderator can do.. {anyone
interesting in processing Movie film can join the group I admin on.}
Each Yahoo Group can have up to ten members added a day. A moderator
can also send out an "Invite" 50 at a time allowing someone to subscribe
to both the e-mail and also the web page for the group.
Someone wanting to send spam can of course set up as many groups as they
want, by using disposalble e-mail addresses.
The Group you mentioned seems to be such a quick group. Searching for
the title I Find
Members: 191
Latest Activity: yesterday
Created: 1 month ago
Archive: Public
Moderated: No
If you can't even come up with a one line description....
To drop from the list their is a general format for Instance if there
was a "foobar" group you could unsubscribe by sending a blank e-mail to
foobar-unsubscribe [ at ] yahoogroups [ dot ] com
so a mailto:skwft-unsubscribe [ at ] yahoogroups [ dot ] com should drop you from the spew.
I don't know how you can report spam without having a yahoo ID.
Naturaly you can use a disposable address to set one up. But you will
have to provide Yahoo with a real address to complain..
If you do set up a yahoo ID and associate it with your address, you can
get a list of all your groups, and leave them all. BUT that is a pain
Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario
cmacd [ at ] zeusprune [ dot ] ca Just Beyond the Fringe
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