On Thu, 3 Dec 2009, Bruce Miller wrote:
I got annoyed with them last night and
He Bruce, I can understand why. That's outrageous. Is there any way you
can minimize your interaction with their webmail, perhaps by using IMAP?
Or forwarding your email to a Google account and reading their ads instead
? ;-)
I am glad I run my own mail server.
Really, the ONLY action that matters here is to walk away with your $$. No
business gives a damn, if you keep sending money their way every month.
Sometimes that might mean giving something up on our parts as consumers,
as part of the switch.
I'm sorry if you have no options but to get internet from them.
Good luck with your complaints process. I'm glad to see you initiate that
against these guys. Keep in mind that with most businesses, especially
mega-corps, "money talks" is really all that matters, because that's all
they exist for.
I do think you have an interesting point about the enforced ads and should
complain to the Commissioner anyway, after you get the official excuse
from Robbers, attaching it as background. You can leave Robbers once you
finish holding them accountable ;-)
Also, for those unaware of it on the list, I have found dslreports.com
forums to have solid participation of very knowledgeable and sharing
users. The Rogers forum is here: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/rogers
Bruce, you might want to share your story in that forum and build a mass
of consumer backlash and have 100 people sending in official complaints to
the Commissioner :-)
(who went through a month of hell with Bhell this spring when Bhell broke
my original ADSL I had for 11 years and were unable and unwilling to
repair or replace it. I ended up gladly also switching that DSL service to
TekSavvy. It's something I should have done ages ago, except the Bhell
bridged ethernet ADSL gave me some redundancy against single points of
failure within TekSavvy. As I said earlier, tradeoffs.)