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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] hosts Problem

* Brenda J. Butler [2006-05-25T08:42-0400]:
> On debian, /etc/hostname.  See /etc/rcS.d/S40hostname.sh for
> more info (if you don't mind reading scripts).

Well, it was *something* to do with the relationship between the hosts
and hostname files.  And it's all better now too.

/etc/hostname was the last file I looked to for clues, having forgot
that it existed.  Why does it?  I really thought that a host's own
name was sorted out between the source of /etc/hosts, and host.conf,
nsswitch, and so on.

Thanks to all responders.

Dave Edwards <dle @ sympatico.ca>
Freelance and Technical Writer,
With Special Interest in Open Source Software

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