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[OCLUG-Tech] Personal Finance Software

I'm looking at using some personal finance software, and was wondering
if anyone had recommendations.

I used to use GnuCash pretty heavily (and before that CBB), but the
lack of decent reporting has always irked me.  I tried Grisbi, but was
disappointed with its lack of split transactions (perhaps there's a
way that I haven't found?).  KMyMoney2 was interesting, but very slow
on my machine, and it seemed to be lacking some features that I would
miss from GnuCash.  I even looked at running Quicken under Wine, but
that seemed to give less than ideal results (lots of font problems,
and general flakiness).  I've read good things about jGnash, but I
don't know if it will run under gij, and I really would prefer not to
install Sun's jre.

If anyone has been happy with one of these (or another) personal
finance managers, I'd be happy to hear about it.
