[OCLUG-Tech] Hints on CUPS with Optra E on Suse 9.1
My old Computer did a halt and catch fire, so I am trying to migrate to
a newer box. I got a blank hard drive and first tried installing the
download version of mandrake 10.1 which I got from Warped systems in
Sask. That would not set up my dial up correctly, so I went to Suse 9.1
- from an upgrade sat I had not installed on my old machine.
The major problem I am having is that I can't seem to set up the
printer. It was working fine on the old machine under Suse 7.3 personal.
I get mostly blank pages with overlapping gibberish at most settings,
and have been using the CUPS internal web interface to blow the print
job away before trying again. However, the internal web site
(http://localhost:631/ ) is now refusing to accept my root password to
log me in, so I have a partial print job that I can't kill.
Also I must be missing something trivial to get the printer to set up.
I have been trying for "normal" resolution, although I would be happy to
use the higher one if it would work- in fact I want to get anything to
work, having filled my wastebasket with partly printed paper.
any suggestions?