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Re: [SIGS-L3GO] Some git stuff

> > > Ok, so I just tried looking for all patches that affected a particular
> > > function, and came up with no suitable search method.  The -S option only
> > > searches for patches that add or remove that symbol.
> >
> > Shoulda said -G. Sorry.
> Interesting.  I was wondering why I didn't find it before...  I find that
> option on wheezy, but not on RHEL6...  I currently need it only on the RHEL6
> machine, so even more impetus to re-install that machine to RHEL7.

Yeah… I don't develop on outdated userland, and that precludes a lot of
distros, and a lot of versions thereof.

> > > but again, need to manually sort through the output and iteratively
> > > git blame through commits mentioned in a function and that is limited
> > > by missing commits that remove lines.
> >
> > -L :funcname:thefile or graph -Gfuncname --, kinda does it. Not sure if
> > it deals well with renames.
> And -L nor git graph even exist on wheezy, so I should upgrade to jessie...

git graph is the alias from the first email in this thread.


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