On February 3, 2025 5:41:43 a.m. UTC, Eric Marceau via linux <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org> wrote: >Here are a few more snaps: > >Definitely not a pretty picture! 🙁 > >reminder of email snippet pasted at bottom (with snapshots of more browser toolbars showing site hosting countries). DND's public website is of little consequence. Also, I believe Shared Services is the one mandated to run it because it's all less than protected B, so nothing to say about the specific department. Same with most of the other departments. The parts that matter of DND we cannot talk about, forget publicly, other than there also being D365 hosted I didn't check where. <https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/maple-leaf/defence/2020/04/message-defence-o365.html> And with many other departments, the private side of its operations rather then the public facing is the one of greater concern and impossible to list with such a simple test. There's far more to it than just the hosts to which your browser opens a TCP connection (or soon UDP if HTTP/3 starts picking up). Alex To unsubscribe send a blank message to linux+unsubscribe [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org To get help send a blank message to linux+help [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org To visit the archives: https://lists.linux-ottawa.org