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Re: Re: July Meeting...

On 24/06/25, Michael Goguen via linux wrote:
> topics for a meeting some time?
> Is it hard to figure out how to make a simple online forum that is behind a
> login wall on the internet, possibly on a server one has oneself, instead
> of someone/ other sites server? Similarly, some of the... alternative
> social media... like mastodon, diaspora... are supposedly designed...
> partly open sourced... and so people can ... host their own... kind of
> 'servers', that they can control... including shared files etc, connect
> with their own associates with... but also still have some accessibility to
> others and other of that social media service servers that others are on
> and hosting... so they can kind of communicate between... servers... does
> anyone know much about this, or is willing to do some talks about this?
> Also, things to do with changes in Canadian laws to do with... freedom,
> information... gathering, rights, disclosure, ie anyone with a podcast now
> has to register with the Canadian government, facebook not letting people
> share Canadian news over their social media, stuff with Julian Assange (it
> was said supposedly online that he may have gotten released to go back to
> Australia or something? Can anyone confirm this?) ... anything Mgeist
> Michael Geist has been writing about in articles about canadian laws
> technology etc changes etc freedom... the possibly... making so everyone's
> health info from ANY health provider... currently in Nova Scotia started so
> all of this needs to be available to the Canadian government, supposedly to
> make sure people aren't defrauding people with their treatments etc, as
> well as... potentially sensitive mental health info being... in 'supposedly
> secure' online databases that... clandestine elements will definitely have
> and make sure to use their unofficial access to ...as might have further
> implications related to project like... well google and darpa etc behaviour
> etc prediction projects (and monitoring) and via cambridge analytica etc
> ... profiling people, manipulating, controlling, maybe partly mind control
> but so unbelievably advance with so much processing power and data that
> people will probably almost never be able to tell its happeing, let
> alone... protect themselves or see it's happening and prove it or stop it
> etc... for most people I would say... walmart and other corporations
> literally... do some of this sort of processing for their own financial and
> corporate interests... let alone... suffice it to say this is not
> necessarily limited to extreme cases of national security that are being
> carefully vetted by judges and or other human beings on a case by case
> basis at this point, but being automated to be distributed everywhere and
> only... transparent and accountable (to the extent interest decide they
> prefer to do this at all) to very select interests, possibly with a lot of
> national etc bias... and then how some of this relates to... mainstreaming
> things like... MAID 'Medical Assistance in Dying', the potential of climate
> change and huge economic... crises... including some that may be
> intentionally generated with plausible deniabiility while interfering with
> reasonable actions by the public to mitigate and make changes to reduce the
> harms in order to cause... crises which justify... disenfranchising many,
> removing/ shifting the social net significantly, etc (potentially) ie can't
> help poor or disable or old people as much in a supposed crisis so a
> massive purge during crisis with the crisis being... covertly... kept from
> being managed collectively effectively by less ... centrally integrated and
> finanical and power brokers in order to do things... a little bit like how
> the pandemic destroyed small businesses all over the world and allowed
> bigger businesses, if they decided to keep certain services or products
> available, to basically buy them up excessively cheaply etc (...'some
> people are in a position to massively profit from potentially crises if
> they just watch this webinar and do the thing x that serves the status quo
> of certain currently powerful people etc... ' ads etc  eheheh :/  )
> I know some of this is reaching outside of technical linux focus...
> freedom of communications, and maintaining secure communications over the
> 'open internet' in an age of unimaginably powerful AI running around by
> various interests... and maybe alternately... securing ... not on the open
> internet community intranets (and keeping them 'off' the public open
> internet, if people prefer'?)
> for those who might not want to buy into starlink, etc... are there any ...
> retro communications that... people might still like in a crisis or
> something? are there like hand held radios or devices like phones that can
> run on some kind of free open source linux through just local band radio
> that would be allowable, practical, cheap, legal, effective for some
> communications if people wanted (or believed they needed) to do this? Does
> just mentioning these where they may be... put on the public internet and
> archived and available to be harvested by the powers that be... put any...
> adaptive measures to... corrupt concentration of power and destroying
> peoples' personal freedoms... does it potentially... undermined the
> potential to do anything about these things by talking about them this
> way... so that... measure to ... countermeasures to any possible privacy or
> security people might try to make are likely to be implemented etc, and
> their... and peoples' potential dissent, let alone resistance... to
> various... agenda of powerful, including taking away some essential
> freedoms, rights and coopting / messing with legal systems and structures
> meant to protect against this, etc? that peoples' intent, whether on places
> like this forum, or through their own personal digital communications,
> being in proximity of devices, possibly belonging to someone else... will
> cause this information to be in a 'profile' about them that will have...
> 'consequences' etc?
> Is it ok that I put these... questions and thoughts plaintext in this email?
> Blessings, thank you for allowing me to continue to be connected to this
> group and explore some ideas around open source, free accessible...
> technologies to empower people... especially the linux open source
> operating system...
> Michael Goguen
> ps are any folks here fans of national capital freenet nonprofit internet
> service provider here in Ottawa?
> Do any folks from here... value the idea of partnering with the or like
> collaborating etc sometimes... on various projects?
> For instance, making wifi more available in some low income areas, or like
> cheap devices like phones etc, or even... connecting with the Ottawa
> Library and similar public resources in order to... support various
> programs to ...help various public who are interested in... certain low
> budget sort of 'communal' resource sharing for like enabling... especially
> less affluent folks to ... help themselves and others on a low budget/
> minimal means and training etc?
> ok sorry maybe I'm rambling a bit here now.

A bit?  There are so many ideas mashed up here that it would get more
engagement if it were split into at least 5 different subject emails.
That first blob alone with no paragraph breads was daunting.
This is going to be too much for most to parse and engage in.

> thanks in  advance.
> Michael
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 7:12 PM Katherine Mcmillan via linux <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > There is such an emphasis on bilingualism at the Government of Canada that
> > I am putting all of my spare time into learning French so won't be able to
> > attend this meeting (but have started to attend the Linux-Meetup Aux
> > Quebec <https://www.meetup.com/linux-montreal/>, which I would highly
> > recommend).
> > <https://www.meetup.com/linux-montreal/>
> > Linux-Meetup au Québec | Meetup <https://www.meetup.com/linux-montreal/>
> > Les Linux-Meetup sont des rencontres informelles où plusieurs personnes
> > discutent de ce qui les passionnent et font un partage de leurs
> > cheminements dans le monde des logiciels libres avec GNU/Linux.Le tout se
> > déroule dans une ambiance décontractée et amicale. Venez rencontrer des
> > gens passionnés ay
> > www.meetup.com
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Katie
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > *From:* Scott Murphy
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, June 25, 2024 17:00
> > *To:* caretakers [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org
> > *Subject:* July Meeting...
> >
> > We didn’t really have any discussions on topics on a July 4th meeting.
> >
> > I might have something, but nothing definite yet. I’ve been a little busy
> > and on training the past week and a half.
> >
> > Does anyone have a topic they would be interested in presenting? I know
> > that John and Tug will not be available.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Scott
> > --
> > Scott Murphy
> > scott [ dot ] murphy [ at ] arrow-eye [ dot ] com

	slainte mhath, RGB

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