I use a gui frontend for rsync called luckyBackup ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LuckyBackup ). It is in the Ubuntu repo. My home setup stores three checkpoint states of user files in a LUKS encrypted container on a separate machine. -- Dump's multi-level backup support seems designed to minimize tape mounts, which I suppose might still be important for some sysadmins. Is there a gui tool for dump and restore? On 2018-02-22 10:33 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote: > > i'm prepping to teach 5 days of compTIA linux+ next week, after > which the students will have the option to write exams based on that > content for their LPI certification, so i'm working my way through the > course manual and just hit the section on backups, which opens with > explaining how to use "dump". argh. > > i understand that dump is ubiquitous, and that it integrates with > entries in /etc/fstab but, beyond that, does anyone seriously use dump > for official backups these days? > > i suspect i'll have to cover that utility to some extent, just > because it could conceivably be on the exam, so even if i consider > some of the course content utterly archaic, i still have to cover it. > > but what are folks out there using for their backups these days? > tar? rsync? amanda? the possibilities are endless, of course, but i'll > still cover dump, even as i strongly discourage people from using it. > > rday >