I'm prepared to help. (I've done some Linux coaching via email - it can exercise one's ability to research and write for non-geeks!) On 15-04-15 02:19 PM, Prof J C Nash (U30A) wrote: > I recently received a help request from Marlene Harris, partner of Gary > Jones who gave our Randall Leavitt seminar on GIMP. > > Marlene is in need of some general help with Linux, and I think her > request points to a need OCLUG should in some manner be addressing, > especially in these times when Microsoft and Apple are so pervasive. > > Since Marlene said she tried to subscribe but got no acknowledgement, > this will serve as a test that she is connected to the list. > > And hopefully we'll get some ideas of how to help folk who are non-geek > users of Linux. I know quite a few -- they sometimes move away from > Linux because they are afraid there's no help. > > JN >