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[OCLUG-Tech] Use of USB wifi adapter for an AP on a custom router

  • Subject: [OCLUG-Tech] Use of USB wifi adapter for an AP on a custom router
  • From: Alex Pilon <alp [ at ] alexpilon [ dot ] ca>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 16:51:41 -0400
I've got a router based on a stripped-down, Geode LX-optimized variant
of Arch Linux, on a Soekris net5501 at home. I was thinking of replacing
my old Apple Airport Extreme base station, which is currently only
acting in bridged mode, has an awful Mac-only (last I checked)
management interface, is overpriced, etc. Unlike hostapd, it also
doesn't support some nifty EAP methods (like EAP-PWD, not that your
common proprietary OS has a supplicant that supports that, last I
checked). I've got this, http://www.adafruit.com/products/1012, which is
RTL 8192CU-based (so there is an in-tree driver that doesn't use the old
WEXT, and it *does* support master mode), but could just have as well
bought an Alfa AWUSO36H 1000mW adapter. Has anyone tried making their
own wireless AP in such a manner before? Has anyone ever had issues with
it, other than the usual issues that Wi-Fi has (like latency).

I don't expect the first adapter to be any good across floors or walls.
I don't care about that scenario here.


Alex Pilon