Folks: This may be slightly off-topic, so I hope you'll consider this request for help appropriate for this list. My home network is suddenly misbehaving and after poking around a bit I'm at a loss to explain why things aren't working and I can't seem to fix the problem. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Here's the problem ... My kids' computers recently stopped serving web pages. After poking around a bit, it appears that dns requests from their machines aren't being resolved. Poking around more, I've discovered that the game consoles and the android based phone aren't working either and I suspect it's for the same reasons. The phone worked on the wifi network as recently as last week. However, there are machines on the network that are working! My linux box, mac book pro (running Mac OSX), iPad, and Windows Vista computers are all working. All the machines are able to access internal machines/servers/services via ip address (I'm not using dns for internal servers) and everything internal can be pinged and is able to ping (most) everything else. On those machines that aren't working, nslookup is not able to resolve host names and nslookup returns stating that the dns server(s) timed out. There are 2 dns servers provided to clients on the network: the caching server on the router, and the dns server provided by my service provider. nslookup reports time outs for both servers. I'm at a loss to explain what's happening and any advice or guidance for correcting the issue would be greatly appreciated. regards eds.