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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Seeing ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions from 'doze ...

  • Subject: Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Seeing ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions from 'doze ...
  • From: Mike Kenzie <ba600 [ at ] ncf [ dot ] ca>
  • Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 14:28:48 -0400
On Wednesday 18 May 2011 12:18:23 pulmud muppe wrote:
> As with many, at work I have to use 'doze.
> (... though I do have a dual boot second machine (linux/xp) which I
> can often run with linux ...)
> I have occasionally tried to locate an add-on (or whatever one calls
> such in the m$ realm) which allows 'doze to see ext3/ext4 linux
> partitions/filesystems.  I have found one or two, but they appear to
> be old and incapable of seeing all the linux partitions on the hard
> drive. (some are in logical partitions...)
> Has anyone any advice on what to use?

My solution for dual boot machines was to have a FAT partition.  USB drives 
work good for this especially now that thumb drives have gotten bigger.  
Although  I've found support for the USB keys to be bad in older versions of 

I have loaded one of these on a few machines.  

Ext2 Installable File System For Windows  http://www.fs-driver.org/
Ext2 File System Driver for Windows http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd/

but disabled it since I didn't want anything to accidentally go between 

Collector of vintage computers http://www.ncf.ca/~ba600