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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] OCLUG project: wicked cool openwrt router?

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Rick wrote:
> > I might have mentioned it earlier, except for the premise that the
> > router be inexpensive.  It's totally worth the money, but this is
> > one of the more expensive routers.
> >
> > Regarding the WNDR3700 vs the WNDR3700v2: I have v1.  Yes it has
> > half the ram, but it doesn't use much of that.  v2 has a different
> > placement on the antennas which is purported to have a negative
> > effect on performance.  I don't have the research I did on this, but
> > it's out there.
> >
> > I installed wrt first thing.  The experience wasn't memorable,
> > except that I was floored at how totally seamless the process was.
> > Compile, install.  I didn't even have to manually reboot the router.
>   after i submitted my original post, i found this:
> http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7089722&cm_mmc=Email-_-WebletMain-_-CANLET-_-03ship&SRCCODE=CANLET
> that is, a *recertified* WNDR3700 for $70 from tigerdirect.  it's not
> at all clear which version it is (v1 or v2), and i called and asked,
> but the phone person couldn't help me (for which i don't blame them at
> all, it's not obvious unless you're looking at the box itself).
>   but as rick points out, even with only the RAM in the v1, there's
> still plenty of room, so i ordered one.  at that price, i think we're
> down in the range of affordable for just about everyone.

  CORRECTION: the difference between the v1 and v2 is amount of
*flash*, not RAM: 8M -> 16M.
