* Michael P. Soulier <msoulier [ at ] digitaltorque [ dot ] ca> [090630 21:48]: > git_dirstatus() > { > if which git 1>/dev/null 2>&1 > then > for dir in * > do > if [ -d $dir/.git ]; then > echo "Checking $dir" > (cd $dir && git status) > echo > fi > done > else > echo "No git found in PATH!" 1>&2 > fi > } See if this works for you... git config --global alias.dirstatus '!ls -d1 */.git | xargs -n1 -i{} sh -c "cd {}/.. && echo Checking {} && git ls-files --exclude-standard -tousmd"' I took the liberty to using git ls-files instead of git status. Feel free to change it back to use git-status if you like it more :) -Bart -- WebSig: http://www.jukie.net/~bart/sig/