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[OCLUG-Tech] Death of Monitor Magazine

Sad news for those of us who like/love/enjoyed the magazine.

Your amongst the very first to learn that the MONITOR magazine, after some +15 
years of free distribution in our region is no longer.

 The last release will be in April.

HI remember reading the magazine when David Skoll was writing the LInuxStuff 
articles. Loved most of them, got me going with Linux and joining OCLUG for 
the first time in 1998. Wow, long time ago.

One day, David sent an email to our OCLUG members, about searching for a new 
writer to take on the challenges of monthly output. I wrote to the editor at 
the time, Glenn Lisle, got selected and that left me wondering what I got 
involved into.

David was right from the start, about communicating that an alternate OS was 
available for free, not perfect but making new adopters day by day.

David also spoke about freedom and removing ourselves from the grip
of Microsoft. It worked for many who read his articles, worked for me also.

The MONITOR was a great way of communicating about Linux, it did convert many 
to it.

It was a great experience for me, seeing my name in print, writing good and 
bad articles but all about the fun stuff of Linux.

Hope that you enjoyed them, I also hope that some of you got converted thanks 
to David Skoll and I. It up to OCLUG and Linux-Gatineau to promote the OS of 
our choice.

All the best to you and your loved ones,

Paul Godin
LinuxStuff (No More)