Linux <>: Nigerian Government Nixes Microsoft's Mandriva Block <> *Posted by Zonk <> on Friday November 09, @11:23AM* *from the *money-well-spent* dept.* Mandriva <> An anonymous reader writes /"After trying to bribe a local supplier with a $400,000 marketing contract, Microsoft has still apparently lost out in trying to woo Nigeria's government <> to use Windows over Linux. Microsoft threw the money at the supplier after it chose Mandriva Linux for 17,000 laptops for school children across Nigeria. The supplier took the bait and agreed to wipe Mandriva off the machines, but now Nigeria's government has stepped in to stop the dirty deal."/ [+] <> microsoft <>, linux <>, bribe <>, haha <>, mandriva <> /(tagging beta <>)/ * *Read More...* <> * 214 <> of 267 <> comments * <> -- they say if you spin the Vista DVD backwards, you can hear satanic messages. worse still, if you spin it forwards, it installs Vista.