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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] More Name Resolution Head-Scratching...

On 16/07/07, Adrian Irving-Beer <wisq-oclug [ at ] wisq [ dot ] net> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 10:40:29AM -0400, C.T. Paterson wrote:

> search companysys.local
> nameserver
> nameserver

Try commenting out one of those two 'nameserver' lines and redoing
your tests -- all of them:  nslookup (plain), ping (plain), nslookup
(fully-qualified), ping (fully-qualified).  Then uncomment that one,
comment out the other, and try them again.

Good idea.  No joy, though.

I don't know precisely how Linux combines 'search' and 'nameserver', but
the symptoms you gave seem very weird.


My only possible explanation to offer is that perhaps the servers are
giving inconsistent results, and Linux is behaving inconsistently with
regards to search-vs.-qualified and/or ping-vs.-nslookup.

Okay, all cards on the table; the servers being inconsistent wouldn't
surprise me, and I kinda had that suspicion all along (given what I've
seen about these servers).  First principles said I should make sure
my own house was in order before passing along blame, though - so I
wanted to see if anyone knew of something I might have mis-configured
on my end.

I've got access to another network that I can try this sort of thing
on, so I'll give it a whirl and see what I find out.


"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
                                       -- Thomas Paine