On 09/05/07, Rafael Roquetto <rafaelroquetto [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:
On 5/9/07, Ralph Boland <rpboland [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote: > I have to move a modem between machines occasionally. > When I do this I do a restart. (I am on ubuntu 6.10.) > What do I have to do to be able to use the internet without > rebooting? You mean a cable modem? Is it plugged to your network card or is it a USB modem? Does it use PPPOE protocol or are you part of a LAN?
Bell cable modem plugged into network card. Uses PPPOE I am pretty sure.
> Also, I am using internet relay chat for the first time today. > Can anyone recommend some linux chat rooms where I > can practice? > > Which utility should I use for this? I am currently using XChat. I also like irsii. > > Thanks > > Ralph Boland