On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 12:23:29PM -0400, Bart Trojanowski wrote: > There is only one thing that I am stuck selecting text in right now, and > that's an xterm. I hope to get that fixed by switching to urxvt and > writing some perl plugins. I am trying to get Dave O'Neill to write > this for me, since he is a perl guru :) I get around this by using GNU screen. In screen you can can use: "^A [" to enter Copy Mode (if your command key is "^A", adjust appropriately for other command keys). Then you can use vi-like keys to select portions of text, copy them to a buffer and then paste them with: "^A ]" If your main purpose is to copy & paste URLs, then you can integrate urlview with screen in your .screenrc to make that a lot quicker. Hope that helps, Kevin.