I gave a short lightening talk about my mouse-less environment yesterday. Some people emailed me questions about it. So here is the summary: - editor: vim completely mouse-less operation http://www.vim.org - window manager: wmii It's a panel window manger, like ratpoison, larswm, and ion3. If you run wmii, I recommend using version 3.0 and wmii+ruby script for your event loop. wmii comes with a bash script that is rather slow. I've blogged about this, so I will avoid repeating myself: http://www.jukie.net/~bart/blog/tag/wmii There instructions about wmii+ruby on debian here: http://www.jukie.net/~bart/blog/wmii-with-ruby - browser: firefox2 + vimperator vimperator is a javascript/XUL application that redefines the interface to firefox 2. It attempts to provide an authentic VIM interface in firefox. http://vimperator.mozdev.org/ There is only one thing that I am stuck selecting text in right now, and that's an xterm. I hope to get that fixed by switching to urxvt and writing some perl plugins. I am trying to get Dave O'Neill to write this for me, since he is a perl guru :) Enjoy. -Bart -- WebSig: http://www.jukie.net/~bart/sig/