> > > - qemu does emulation of the CPU. > > > - qemu w/ kqemu does full virtualization. Guest OS is unmodified. > > > - Xen does para vitalization (and some full virtualization now). Guest OS > > > is aware that it's running under Xen. > > > - OpenVZ and Vserver do compartmentalization. There is only one kernel. * Brenda J. Butler <bjb [ at ] magma [ dot ] ca> [070409 11:19]: > I was wondering where virtualbox fits in that list? Based on what I just read on the WikiPedia page, I am guessing it's between Xen and kqemu. But just a guess. I never used it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualbox -Bart -- WebSig: http://www.jukie.net/~bart/sig/