>> how to manage bandwidth >800Kbit upstream I can't fix your bandwidth problem directly, but a technique I saw somewhere else was to limit the load by managing the page that runs the streaming. It ran a log-in procedure i.e. manage the number of log-ins to a given area (kind of a like max size discussion group idea) and once it gets to 10 or 5 or 2, it won't let another in. So they can't get to the streaming if they can't log in to that area. Then when someone logs out so to speak, the page would reset the counter down one and someone new would be able to get in. Downside is that there is a set limit, and while its being used, its not available to others beyond that max number. Unless it is prerecorded and he'll allow another format for download (I'm purposely ignoring the legal issues here) -- like porting it to MP3 or RealAudio so that it can be D/Led and run on their own machine. Paul Sadler E-mail: paul [ dot ] sadler [ at ] sdc-dsc [ dot ] gc [ dot ] ca or paul [ dot ] sadler [ at ] hrsdc-rhdcc [ dot ] gc [ dot ] ca