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[OCLUG-Tech] creating a internet radio server

I got a question about setting up a streaming server (practical part,
not the legal side). It should be able to stream some content
continuously to whoever connects. It's for a non-profit org so cost is a
big issue. 

I took a quick look at icecast and MuSE to stream mp3 files and while it
works MuSE doesn't seem to be to reliable, so I need something that
works a bit better. ices worked better but only with .ogg. Tried to
get .ogg to play in my M$ win system and hit issues all the way.

Another part is bandwidth. He doesn't expect a huge listener group but a
standard 800KB upstream will start to choke at 10 listeners so that
would be a problem. (my WAG is that  it should be able to handle maybe
20-30 at peak, at least for a start)
Internet streaming sites seems to cost lots of $$$ and you can't limit
the number of listeners so if 1000 people suddenly jumps on you go
bankrupt when the bill comes.
I was looking for colocation but that starts at a fixed $100/month
I think that he could survive fine with a ADSL feed home if it was
reversed (5MBit up) but didn't find that offered anywhere.

Is it anyone that have some experience in this area?

1: What sw to use, everything between the mic/cd and the listener
2: how to manage bandwidth >800Kbit upstream

Techwiz, Peter Sjoberg    PGP key (12F506C8) on keyserver & homepage
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