As a linux learner (user1) I have a screen full of icons that come and
go. Panels that are full. Games and TV tuner etc. all over my screens.
And, I like it that way.
When I work on a project, on the other hand (user2), I like to work
clean with as little clutter as possible, with only the files and
research that I am using for that specific project visible. When the
project is finished I put them away.
Why not just use the same account and have more than one desktop?
You can (at least on KDE, and I think GNome is the same) have a bunch of
desk tops which can share freely. No login-out.
Of course they can also be subject to a wild file error!
Charles MacDonald cmacd [ at ] TelecomOttawa [ dot ] net Stittsville Ontario
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