On the same subject of debian I just installed my first debian system and now I'm trying to figure out how to do things the debian way (as oppose to the suse/redhat/mdk/fedora way). At the moment I feel that it's lots of (google)info about how to do package handling but when it comes to configuring stuff it's a little harder. It was a page on the wiki that had some info about it and a nice crossref between fedora, suse, mdk, debian or something like that. I was thinking of updating it as I finding out stuff about it but until then I have to turn to this list. My first issue after installing it came when I wanted to change the network info. After poking around a little I found /etc/networking/interfaces and the manpage but how do I add an eth0:0 alias? > > _______________________________________________ > Linux mailing list > Linux [ at ] lists [ dot ] oclug [ dot ] on [ dot ] ca > http://www.oclug.on.ca/mailman/listinfo/linux -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Techwiz, Peter Sjoberg PGP key (12F506C8) on keyserver & homepage Key fingerprint = 3DC2 CEBA 1590 B41A 3780 955A DB42 02BB 12F5 06C8 mailto:peters AT techwiz.ca http://www.techwiz.ca/~peters