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Re: Canadian Web Hosting

Dianne Skoll via linux wrote on 2025-02-08 09:16:

I see that OVH will give you a single IPv6 address.  Will they also
give you a /64?
Not AFAIK.  They stupidly insist on giving me*ONE* IPv6 address.

That explains a lot.

At https://websavers.ca you have to request IPv6 IPs. Okay.

And I got 5 /112s. It took me a *long* time to figure out what I was actually assigned.

I thought it was some kind of overlapping subnets like, or something.

So, they actually gave me more than OVH normally assigns (websavers.ca uses OVH).

Light bulb moment...

Fortunately, a single one suits my needs just fine and a /64 might be more difficult to manage (maybe, probably not if I knew what I was doing in the IPv6 world better).

Still, mostly happy with websavers.ca although their DNS management tool is a bit primitive. It's pushing me to host my own.

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