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Re: Canadian vs USA VPS (was Re: setting up email server)

  • Subject: Re: Canadian vs USA VPS (was Re: setting up email server)
  • From: Dianne Skoll <dianne [ at ] skoll [ dot ] ca>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 11:17:54 -0500
On Fri, 31 Jan 2025 10:09:05 -0500
Tug Williams via linux <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org> wrote:

> Dianne - If the itch doesn't go away, I'd recommend reading "The
> UnDutchables". It is all true, and a good starting point.

Thanks for the recommendation!  I've been to The Netherlands three
times and to a few cities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den Haag and Haarlem)
and I really like what I've seen of the culture.  I've also been watching
a lot of Dutch sketch comedy (Sluipschutters; Toren C) and Dutch humour
is... weeeird...

The very small bit of Afrikaans that lingered in my brain from coming
from South Africa helped me a bit with Dutch vocabulary, but not much
with grammar or pronunciation. :)

But realistically, it's pretty hard to get permanent residence in
The Netherlands unless you have a job lined up or tons of money.  So
I either have to come up with tons of money or apply for refugee
status when Trump invades...



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