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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Home built PC w/ Win10 cannot get Ubuntu

  • Subject: Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Home built PC w/ Win10 cannot get Ubuntu
  • From: jf [ at ] messier [ dot ] ca
  • Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2016 02:18:34 +0000
Quoting Ross Jordan <rjordan [ at ] numb [ dot ] ca>:

I do not have the exact error message. My fault, I did not note it down at first, and I should.
Indeed, both internal hard disks were detected, and "fdisk -l" listed  
their partitions properly. As for re-ordering the disks, when In  
installed Windows first, on the "Drive 0" as said by Windows  
installer, that same drive became known as /dev/sda under Ubuntu, so  
the disk ordering was properly kept between Window$ and Ubuntu.
When googling around, I found that there was something about disabling  
fastboot prior to install Ubuntu, and re-enabling it after. Did not  
have time to try it yet.
Yes, this motherboard had this <beep> UEFI thing. I will continue  
trying things tomorrow. If there is time on Thursday meeting, we could  
talk about it.
Thanks :-)

What was the error message?

Was the disk detected? (dmesg | grep sda)
Can you open the disk with fdisk and read it?

Some BIOS may re-order drives when booting from an external drive.


It would seem jf [ at ] messier [ dot ] ca, on Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 10:12:49PM +0000, wrote:
Today, my son and I assembled a brand new PC, with all the parts
(March break activity). We then
installed Windows 8.1 (that's what he wanted). Everything is fine. I
went ahead with installing
Ubuntu, booting the install from a USB key. I have two physical hard disks
in the box. A first of ~320G with Windows, and a second one of 500G
where I want to
install Ubuntu.??

When starting from the USB Key, the install went fine, and I selected
"Other" in the installation option, to install everything on /dev/sdb,
creating the swap and the rest of the disk as ext4. When selecting the
device where to install the bootloader, I selected /dev/sda. Windows
8.1 was installed on /dev/sda.

Everything goes fine until the very end, when isntalling the
bootloader. I get an error message saying that it cannot write the
bootloader. None of the three options worked, actually. The first was
to retry on another disk/partition, the second was to install no
bootloader whatsoever, and the third was to cancel the install. BUT NO
OPTION ACTUALLY WORKED. They all came back to the same error message.

Reboot from the USB key, and try to manually run grub-install
/dev/sda. Also get an error message.

Anyone has an idea what I did wrong ? I set the motherboard to be in
Legacy mode. This is a recent ASUS motherboard, on a Intel Core i3

Thanks :-)

Jean-Francois Messier

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