Indeed, there is an HDMI connector on the device, but this is the
"Micro-HDMI", or the smaller connector than the usual one commonly
used on TV's. You will need an adaptor, just like you would need for
the BeagleBoneBlack. In checking the status of the shipment from UPS,
I saw that the package was delivered in Aylmer, so I will either have
it at home, before I leave, or I will have a brownish paper, telling
me to get it at the local UPS counter in Aylmer tomorrow.
What you do not have is an Ethernet port. So you have to plug a
USB-based Ethernet connection. I assume this is not a device to be
used on a permanent basis.
Quoting "Stephen M. Webb" <stephen [ dot ] webb [ at ] bregmasoft [ dot ] ca>:
On 15-12-01 03:21 PM, jf [ at ] messier [ dot ] ca wrote:
I should soon receive the latest of the Raspberry PI, the RPi Zero. I
should have time to play with it, install some
distros on it and make it run before the next meeting. I only need to
make sure that there is an HDMI input cable. Other
possible topic: Centralized news reader using owncloud, running on a
Raspberry PI. Again, to show anything, I need to
make sure that the room can take input from an HDMI connection.
Was there any firther info on whether there is an HDMI connection
Stephen M. Webb <stephen [ dot ] webb [ at ] bregmasoft [ dot ] ca>
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