Location: Woodroffe Campus, Algonquin College - Building T, Room T-317 This month we will be having a distro talk on linux distributions. The talk will be a number of short talks about specific distress, followed by the opportunity for anyone else to take the floor and talk about a distribution they are interested in or would like to mention to the group. There will be a one hour pre-meeting item from 18:00 to 19:00 for people who are new to Linux, have general questions, or just wish to help out with people who are just getting started. After the main talk, there will be the opportunity for a GPG key signing. This is a standard offering, just look for Scott after the talk and we can go from there. Bring your ID slips and some kind of ID if you expect a number of people to sign your key. For further information on the venue, visit the website: http://oclug.on.ca <http://oclug.on.ca/> Note: We are always soliciting speakers for future meetings. If anyone wants to get up and cover a favourite project, solution, etc. feel free to contact the board with an outline.