Last night I helped a friend with an old Asus Eee 701 Surf to replace the Xandros distro with CrunchBang (#!). This went pretty smoothly. However, she then asked how to unmount a USB. I looked this up on the web as #! does not put an icon on the desktop for usb keys. It DOES put an item in the left side pane of Thunar however. And that is how you unmount (does not say safely remove) usb drives. Now for the REALLY NICE feature. After you unmount, the icon is simply greyed out. You can right click and mount again. Nifty. So I tried putting Thunar in Ubuntu. No joy. Also looked through fora and found lots of orphaned posts where folk want to remount USBs without unplugging them. It can be done with usbreset.c (I can supply post if anyone is interested), but this rescans all drives, so is a bit drastic and dangerous if some are mounted, esp. if data transfer in progress. Anyone have ideas of how to get this feature into a file manager in a clean way? Best, JN