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[OCLUG-Tech] Plug Computers

Recently, while aimlessly wandering the web, I happened upon the following:


I've been waiting for the ARM revolution to hit my home, and I'm now wondering if it's here. There's a great forum article at the above URL about installing Debian (yee-haw!) on a plug, and there are more than just wafts of Fedora to be found.
I've got a box in the basement that I'm pretty sure could be replaced by 
one(!) of these things. I'd be lowering the energy requirements of my 
home network to about 1/5 or less if I could move to a 5 watt network 
server (I'm thinking BIND, DHCP, and NTP on one plug, then scaling to 
run a firewall on another, an IMAP mail server in combination with an 
external HDD on another, and so on, and so on, and so on...).
So I'm phishing for deets that anyone out there might have regarding 
these ARM-based plug computers.
I'm wanting to know:
Where (in O-town or elsewhere) did you source it?
What did you get?
Did you root the device (with debian or your other favorite)?
Have you even heard of these?
Is the ARM revolution really ready to hit home?


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