Excellent! I work for IBM and trying to get on our national ethical hacking team so the subtopic presentations will be of great interest. Thank you for your considerations. Anyone: Feel free to contact me directly at my home phone number for more information or recommendations on tailoring what you want to have presented. Jeff Green Home: 613.226.2843 --- On Tue, 10/6/09, Jeff Green <mail [ at ] forjeff [ dot ] com> wrote: > My name is Jeff Green. I recently started up an > ethical hacking website that strongly pushes Linux. ... Hi Jeff, Thanks for offering to give a presentation. I'm the speaker co-ordinator for the board and agree that this would be interesting to the group. Commenting on Mike's <kenziem [ at ] sympatico [ dot ] ca> posting, although Jeff might only have material for a 30 minute presentation, we could follow it up with a discussion on white hat and black hat hacking and how sysadmins at organizations hack their own networks to discover security weaknesses. We currently have a speaker lined up for the November 5 meeting (revision control) and a tentative speaker for December 3 (Myth TV) so we'll have to see how the schedules work out. Thanks to Bart for forwarding this to the board mailing list. Note to everyone: All the board members subscribe to this list so feel free to use this forum for comments, opinions and suggestions. thanks roland Roland Renaud rjrenaud [ at ] rogers [ dot ] com