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[OCLUG-Tech] OCLUG Board of Directors - need member(s) - resend

Margaret Tidman <margaret [ dot ] tidman [ at ] draak [ dot ] ca> writes on Mar 24, 2009:
  To: oclug-announce [ at ] lists [ dot ] oclug [ dot ] on [ dot ] ca, oclug [ at ] lists [ dot ] oclug [ dot ] on [ dot ] ca
  Subject: [oclug] OCLUG Board of Directors - need member(s)
  Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 20:47:21 -0400

The OCLUG Annual General Meeting is on April 7, 2009 and the new Board
of Directors will be elected.

Michael Richardson is not running this year and we are looking to have
his seat on the board filled.  Michael's current position is Secretary,
but the board members can be moved around to accommodate, as necessary.

Other members of the board are also willing to stand down in we have
enough people seriously interested running for the board.

Some basic details of the position... the commitment is for one year
(May 2009 to April 2010).  Expectations are: attendance at the monthly
Board of Directors meetings, recording the minutes of the meetings,
contributing ideas/views/opinions at meetings, help with planning of
future general meetings and/or events and any other tasks that arise.

If you are interested in the opportunity and have any questions please
contact Michael at mcr [ at ] sandelman [ dot ] ottawa [ dot ] on [ dot ] ca.


Margaret Tidman
OCLUG Board Member