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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Re: [oclug-announce] Power strip group purchase

  • Subject: Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Re: [oclug-announce] Power strip group purchase
  • From: Ian Ward <ian [ at ] excess [ dot ] org>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 16:39:10 -0400
I had asked that you add things you are interested in to the ticket at the URL I gave. ( http://devel.oclug.on.ca/ticket/39 ) You will have to create an account to add a comment, use the "Register" link at the top-right.
You would have to come in to a meeting and pay with cash or cheque.


Eric Brackenbury wrote:
Hi Ian

I would like to get this card reader with your order please.

How do I pay for it and pick it up when it comes in?

I have not been in to any meetings as I find I do not have enough
knowledge to talk about linux stuff.
Still VERY much a beginner  :-))

Eric Brackenbury
613 839 5350

On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 14:36 -0400, Ian Ward wrote:

OCLUG will be using some member contributions to purchase power strips for The Code Factory, partly as a thank-you for allowing us to use the space and partly to better serve our members and their laptops when we have tutorials there.
The strips we are looking at may be found here:

I am writing to ask if anyone else would like to make a purchase from http://www.x1up.com/ at the same time so we can save on shipping and customs. I have created a ticket for this project here:

If you would like to add something to our order please add it as a comment to the above ticket. Please include a link to the products you want in your comment. I will be sending the order after our next monthly meeting on November 4 (one week from now).

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