I'm the Pres of OCLUG and the "answerer" for info at oclug. Afraid I don't know anyone in St John's in the Linux crowd. However, I'll forward to our email forum in case someone else does. See second address. But we do need to get a fix and fast. OCLUG members? Cheers, and greetings (temporarily) from Calgary, JN Stephen Pope wrote: Hello. Does anybody know if there are any linux users groups in St.John's, Newfoundland? The email address for both the St. John's group (info [ at ] slug [ dot ] nf [ dot ] net) and the Western Newfoundland group (lug [ at ] cornet [ dot ] nf [ dot ] ca) bounced back! If it doesn't exist any more, does anybody know the answer to this or have a contact in St.John's who might? Cheers, Steve --Forwarded Message Attachment-- From: sgpope [ at ] hotmail [ dot ] com To: info [ at ] slug [ dot ] nf [ dot ] net Subject: Help Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 11:03:53 -0300 Hello. I've set up a laptop for my mother with Ubuntu on it, and everything went smoothly until recently. Two weeks ago she updated to the latest version using the update utility, and now she no longer has internet access. She's with Aliant, and everything was working previously. She called Aliant, and (unsuprisingly) they couldn't help her. She really has no idea how to diagnose issues, and I can't do it from here (I'm living out of province). Hopefully somebody using Aliant at home can tell me what the settings should be for a dsl connection through Aliant? Barring that, perhaps I could give somebody a few bucks to drop by my mom's place and take a look? Cheers, Steve _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________