Hi folks! I moved to Ottawa about a month ago, and as I've sent a few posts in, I figured I'd introduce myself. I've been working on-and-off with Linux for a little over a decade now, and I've since branched off to the BSDs, and I'm currently flirting with OpenSolaris (my schedule doesn't permit a full-blown affair, unfortunately). I have no distribution of choice, though work has me using a combination of RedHat (RHEL) and SuSE (SLES). I have no specific area of expertise, but I seem to be focusing lately on authentication systems, communications, and monitoring. I'll admit the LUG up here seems to be a little more involved than where I came from (down by Toronto), which is nice to see. But I'm missing one thing: What good computer shops can be found in Ottawa? Specifcally, the East end of downtown? Having been pampered by Canada Computers for the past few years, I'm looking for a viable replacement. I'm hoping to find a place where I can order specific model numbers of hardware without too many questions, and if anyone knows of a place in town that carries Via hardware (yes, yes, I know), I'd be forever grateful. Thanks! - Damian