On Thursday 01 May 2008 09:10:25 Bruce Harding wrote: Ive done some work on this to find out what going on. Ive created a resource in KOrganzer for personal and "Testing" just to have a test source. So far I know the following. 1. creating an appointment creates a file similar too (2 appointments) libkcal-1170292698.368 libkcal-373861314.849 There seems to be no logic behind the naming convention, or none that I can see or recognize as .849 was created prior to .368 2. The file itself has all the pertinent data though as its a standard Vcal file format. example: ----------------------------- BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.5//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20080503T144113Z ORGANIZER;CN=Chris H:MAILTO:chris123 [ at ] magma [ dot ] ca CREATED:20080503T144111Z UID:libkcal-1170292698.368 LAST-MODIFIED:20080503T144111Z SUMMARY:Test Appointment LOCATION:Ottawa DTSTART:20080503T174500Z DTEND:20080503T183000Z TRANSP:OPAQUE BEGIN:VALARM DESCRIPTION: ACTION:DISPLAY TRIGGER;VALUE=DURATION:-PT15M END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR ----------------------------------eof-------- Since its a standardize format all the necessary info is present: creator creator email address location summary start date & time (even though I dint understand the notation) end date & time alarm alarm duration So it should be possible to write a script that parses this file and extracts the necessary data to a designated output. Now if this script was pointed to a directory that stores all the vcal files it could walk the directory listing, parse the files to extract the data and alarm value and email the data to any assigned email address for example my cell phone. A long time ago the free version of Star Office which had its own calendar had this feature and it was fantastic. This script could be run as a cron job or alternatively KOrganizer does provide a facility for this (that I have not been able to get working) under KOrganizer New Event dialog>Reminder>Advanced. Here I find the option to select a program rather then pop up and the fields programs file & program arguments. So I was wondering as I don't have extensive scripting experience nor a programmer has anyone played with this concept or idea. Secondly, in terms of overview is the analysis correct and can it be done? regards -- /ch