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Re: [Bulk] Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Programming Question re: namespace ??

I am sorry Bart;

In an effort to be brief, I mis-asked the question.

On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 10:42 -0400, Bart Trojanowski wrote:
> * William Case <billlinux [ at ] rogers [ dot ] com> [070820 10:22]:
> > Hi;
> > 
> > I have several paragraphs of notes regarding the 'namespace' concept.
> > Those notes, however, leave some ambiguity. (Trying to cast the widest
> > possible net to capture all possibilities  -- I suspect.)  I don't need
> > a full explanation of what a namespace is other than to confirm which of
> > the following possibilities could be called a 'namespace'.
> >
"ANSI C A-11 Scope and Linkage
Therefore, there are two kinds of scope to consider; first the lexical
scope of an identifier, which is the region of a program text within
which  the identifiers characteristics are understood; and second, the
scope associated with objects and functions with external linkage,
which determines the connections between identifiers in separately
compiled translation units  -- [OK, got that]


Identifiers fall into different name spaces that do not interfere with
one another; the same identifier may be used for different purposes,
even in the same scope, if the uses are in different name spaces.  These
classes are: objects, functions, typedef names and enum constants;
labels; tags of structures; unions and enumerations; and members of each
structure or union individually."

[Here (A-11.1) the words 'name space' are used without being described
or defined here or elsewhere.] 
> > If I write the 'bills_program' in C and then call it, is a 'name space'
> First, C doesn't have namespaces.  C++ does.

I am re-working through C to get to C++.  I was vaguely aware of
namespace in C++ but didn't appreciate how it could get confused with
name space.
> >      I. bills_program
> >     II. main()
> >    III. function() -- within main
> Avoid defining private functions inside other functions.  I am not sure
> if that's what you mean here.  But GCC extensions let you do this:
> int main (void)
> {
>         int function (int b) {
>                 return a * 2;
>         }
>         ...
> }
I didn't mean to imply that one function was defined within another.
But, certainly one function is called from within another.  So, does the
name space include that function call + the subsequent function
definition or is the function defined in a new name space.

> >     IV. each of the above
> >      V. more
> >     VI. something else

> > I understand 'name space' as an abstraction that is used as a root idea
> > for memory allocations or use, which is subdivided into various other
> > concepts (eg text, bbs, stack, stack frame etc.) depending on the
> > organization of a called program.
> C++ namespaces have nothing to do with that.
'Namespace, was a mistake.  A lack of knowledge of C++.  Read 'name

> > While I am at it.  When a program is called, how does the processor know
> > how much memory to allocate for that program. Is it one page at a time,
> > one process at a time or does the compiler put a size number in the file
> > header, or what ?
> Processor doesn't know.
> The operating system will load up the data from disk into ram as it's
> used.  For example glibc is huge.  No program uses all of it.  If no one
> is interested in a particular 4k of glibc, it's never loaded into
> memory.
> Memory is allocated based on the elf header.  
> > Please just point me, I am willing to read.
> man elf
> man readelf

That solves that part.  Will look at the goobly-gook of elf again. (It's
not really goobly-gook.  It is more like Greek to me.)

> -Bart
Regards Bill