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[OCLUG-Tech] Re: FC5 and Samba

On Wednesday 04 July 2007 17:34, Adrian wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 10:18:17AM -0400, Martin Hicks wrote:
> > > Does anyone have any pointers to the solution to smbmount problems
> > > with FC5 - I got sideswiped with the disappearance of smbfs
> > > support in the kernel. mount -t cifs doesn't work for me. Ouch!
> >
> > You have given exactly zero details.  How can we possibly help you?
> No, he's given us all the details we need to answer, if you read the
> question carefully:
> 	* He's running Fedora Core 5.
> 	* smbfs doesn't work.
> 	* According to the wording, this is endemic to FC5, and not a
> 	  result of something he's done to his system.
>         * Since "Fedora Core 5" is a globally unique identifier for a
>           single release of Fedora, no systems details are necessary.
> On the other hand, a Google search for "fedora-core-5 smbfs" is also
> pretty informative, so I can't absolve the original poster of *all*
> responsibility in this case. ;)

Very generous - thanks Adrian!  I did pause before sending the original 
request and asked myself if I had the "details".  Thanks for agreeing with my 
decisions <smile>. But I agree (Martin), I could have been clearer.  My 
frustration level was rather high at that point but that's a poor 
excuse . . . 
> Two results that look promising:
>   Mounting smb folder with Fedora Core 5? - LinuxQuestions.org
> 	http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=453941
> 	Suggests using 'mount.cifs' rather than 'mount -t cifs'.

Right - but mounting cifs is aimed at Windows "servers" of vintage NT4 and 
later.  It does NOT include mounting shares on older workstation shares which 
is what I was doing prior to the change to FC5.

>   SMBFS support for Fedora Core 5 Linux aka FC5
> 	http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~tott/FC5-smbfs-HOWTO.html
> 	Project to bring back 'smbfs' support.

Right - that's the only solution I've found so far.  Apparently the samba team 
had posted RPMs with smbfs support included but now those RPMs have 
disappeared with the appearance of FC6 and 7.

I have also found that "Nautilus" is able to "browse" other windows shares but 
I can't get beyond browsing.  File "cut and paste" gives me a "File not 
found" error.  I also discovered that Nautilus creates "new" connections to 
the file share for every new listing and my win98 box eventually stopped 
responding.  A reboot message claimed that 99 users were connected and did I 
want to disconnect them . . . hmmmm ???

Does anyone know if I am _supposed_ to be able to "cut and paste" smb files 
with Nautilus? Seems pointless to be able to only see the file listing . . . 

> The latter page seems to suggest that CIFS has replaced SMBFS and
> hence the latter is deprecated, but that the former is not supported
> by all servers.

Almost exactly right (it's the older workstations that don't support it) - and 
it was news to me too!  Unfortunately that was discovered AFTER the upgrade 
to FC5.  smbfs support was dropped from the kernel although it can be 
recompiled with smbfs support included.  

That's something I don't mind doing but that would also mean doing it every 
time there's another kernel upgrade or samba upgrade - and that I do mind!
> Oddly enough, I was not aware of CIFS at all, despite it existing (as
> a term, anyway) for over a decade now.  Good to know.

Hertel's book on the subject is available online.  Great reference if it's a 
topic of interest.  He's the smb/cifs guru on the samba team.
> Hope this helps.

I'm considering the options:

1) Go back to FC3 (only marginally attractive)
2) recompile the kernel and samba to get smbfs support back
	- including every time there's an update to either
3) (and this was the point of my posting) is there an other alternative ?

I suppose I could use smbclient "get" and "put" to move files back and forth. 

Cheers and thanks;


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