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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] who's using my memory

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 07:27:14PM -0400, Ralph Boland wrote:
> Immediatly after booting my ubuntu 6.10 and creating a virtual terminal
> I do a
>      procinfo  memory
> Result:
> Memory:      Total        Used        Free      Shared     Buffers
> Mem:        247324      243376      3948           0        8056
> Swap:       722884           0           722884
> Since I am doing practically nothing,  who is using all this memory?
> Can I turn some of if off?
> Is there not some kind of hog command in linux to list memory users?
> Or is 256M  not enough memory for ubuntu 6.10?
> I admit my system runs fine most of the time.

You're running X.  That'll take up a lot of memory all by itself.
try running "top" and then hit "M" to sorty by Memory usage.  The most
interesting columns are RES and SHR  (Resident memory size and Shared

Ordinarily people see that "Free" is very small but have a large
"Buffers" value...but 256MB isn't that much by modern standards and
X/Gnome/KDE are memory pigs.

My laptop for comparison:

mort@socrates:~$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        906552     868300      38252          0      37612     375116
-/+ buffers/cache:     455572     450980
Swap:       979956       1128     978828

900MB of ram, 38MB free, but 400MB of that is page cache.  This memory
is easily freed by the kernel should I start new applications.


Martin Hicks || mort [ at ] bork [ dot ] org || PGP/GnuPG: 0x4C7F2BEE

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