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[OCLUG-Tech] Newsreader that does proper threading

I've used slrn to read usenet news for years. It's great, but I've decided 
to try to find a decent gui newsreader. So far, I've tried to use Evolution 
and Pan. I don't like the way either of them handles threads. 

Evolution expands all threads by default, which I don't like. If I collapse 
all threads and then delete all messages (ctrl-a to select all followed by 
delete), only the top-level message in each thread is deleted! You have to 
expand all threads, select all, and then delete--very annoying.

Pan looks good but its threading seems to be broken. Example: Say there are 
ten messages in a thread. Pan may actually put them all in the same thread 
(the desired behaviour, of course) or it may put them in two threads or 
three or.... Weird.

What do y'all use?