On 2020-04-07 08:00, Richard Guy Briggs wrote: > Reminder of L3GO meeting a week from today, Tue Apr 14 18:30:00 EDT 2020. > Red Pepper Thai/Viet restaurant, 246 Queen Street. So, anyone interested to dogfood some open source videoconferencing services? Long time local open source entreprenneur DFS has stood up her own jitsi server and I am tempted to try the same. slainte mhath, RGB -- Richard Guy Briggs -- ~\ -- ~\ <hpv.tricolour.ca> <www.TriColour.ca> -- \___ o \@ @ Ride yer bike! Ottawa, ON, CANADA -- Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\% Vote! -- <greenparty.ca>_____GTVS6#790__(*)__(*)________(*)(*)_________________ -- Manage your subscription: https://lists.linux-ottawa.org/sigs-l3go/listinfo.html