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Re: Reminder of L3GO meeting this evening.

On 2020-03-10 08:00, Richard Guy Briggs wrote:
> Reminder of L3GO meeting tonight at 18:30.
> Red Pepper Thai/Viet restaurant, 246 Queen Street.

Hi, who else is planning to go?

I've just come out of 8 days in the Montfort hospital with a ruptured
appendix, so I'm still pretty weak and have lost weight that I couldn't
afford to lose in the first place.  I'd love the company and good food
(hospital food sucks!).  I'll cab it there unless someone can swing by
and get me (Ben?  Mort?).

	slainte mhath, RGB

Richard Guy Briggs               --  ~\    -- ~\             <hpv.tricolour.ca>
<www.TriColour.ca>                 --  \___   o \@      @        Ride yer bike!
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