This is the internet, nobody stays on topic when politics comes up :D
On 2025-02-28 16:52, Eric Marceau via linux wrote:
I recognize that where the responses went was off-topic, and I am
sorry that the "prompting" message may have led some to conclude that
I was opening such a discussion.
That was not my intent.
I wanted to bring awareness to what I thought was a very thoughtful,
and comparatively accurate (when looking at other predictors), tool
for visibility of both riding of residence (local) or ridings across
the jurisdiction (Provincial or Federal).
I only regret that I didn't think of sending it out earlier to have
and real effect. I've had this reference for at least 6 years. :-)
On 2025-02-28 13:35, Tug Williams via linux wrote:
On 2/28/25 12:58, alayne [ at ] twobikes [ dot ] ottawa [ dot ] on [ dot ] ca via linux wrote:
The results are also a strong argument for proportional
representation, or at least ranked voting.
I'm a little fearful that this might be off-topic... but irresistible.
Having lived under PR, I would disagree. With First Past the Post,
each party agrees their coalition before the election (all parties
being themselves coalitions). With PR, parties promise whatever they
want, and "coalition it away" post election.
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