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Re: Public service message

Those goals are not mutually exclusive. None of the jurisdictions we would look to as a model for excellent public healthcare are as restrictive as Canada.

Fair? Even if strictly equal access could be considered an achievement in fairness, I will bet that anyone with sufficient means who requires timely healthcare seeks it in a more permissive jurisdiction.

Relevant: Chaoulli v Quebec 2005[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaoulli_v_Quebec_(AG)]

This will be my last reply on the topic however; my apologies for derailing.

Feb. 28, 2025 13:54:26 James via linux <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org>:

> Feb 28, 2025 13:16:13 John Brooks via linux <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org>:
>> I just want to be able to pay for my own healthcare. I'll gladly
>> continue to support public healthcare. But waiting 6-8 months to get the
>> "free" (if you don't value your quality of life) MRI in Ontario when you
>> can cross the river to Québec where you can pay and get it next week is
>> absurd.
> How is that fair to people who can't afford it?
> Some people want a public system that is fair to everyone no matter what they can afford.
> I believe it is possible to make wait times much less and fixing the public system should be the priority, not privatizing more.
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