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Re: Sorry, slightly random...

I love you grammarly!

But I love bad grammar and typos more...

On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 11:51 a.m. Michael Goguen <michael [ dot ] goguen [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>

> I need to publish my new anti-grammarly book before the end of the world,
> "Ad-libs of Destruction"
> Some proceeds donated to children who don't read good and safety fences
> around gas stations...
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 11:46 a.m. Ian <imacwill [ at ] teksavvy [ dot ] com> wrote:
>> Please stop.
>> Ian M.
>> On 2025-02-13 11:39, Michael Goguen via linux wrote:
>> I need to laminate porn in lieu of the internet and "relationships" as my
>> "long term life plan"
>> 😬
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 11:35 a.m. Michael Goguen <michael [ dot ] goguen [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>> wrote:
>>> UHHH
>>> Homer Simpson?
>>> Doh !
>>> 24/7 facepalm expert?
>>> 'grasshopper, the hands go like this'
>>> ...
>>> Anyways
>>> Happy Valentine's Day
>>> *Shoots self in heart with arrow.
>>> Twice*
>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 11:26 a.m. Michael Goguen via linux <
>>> linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org> wrote:
>>>> Is there a name for the 'field' / operational teams in things (like)
>>>> the m1litary that deals with "deserters"... Ie morale etc... and also c4me
>>>> bridge Amal lit1ca style ... 1nfo w4rfare s1berw4rfare etc? I guess eh eye
>>>> is getting 'scaled up ' ... A ...? Lot? ...
>>>> Until like drug patches, embedded chips, neural implants, 'memory/ of
>>>> personality adjustment'
>>>> ( Bl4de r0nn3r 3tc ) Ok I don't know computer stuff I just bleed
>>>> p4arnoia by breathing...
>>>> At any rate no 1rl konfs so... Oh that auto correct, making sure it
>>>> predicts my meaning / intentions/ behaviour before I even click send etc
>>>> while transmitting in rt for onoralis to help grammarly so I can write
>>>> b00ks...
>>>> Multiple choice and ad-libs -only allowed, with approved 'dictionary
>>>> words' only...
>>>> Universal translator/ empathy/ compassion/ understanding slash s3crets
>>>> stealer to break all security privacy and 'crack' all cybernetic control
>>>> systems' ie mind heart brain soup ...
>>>> Blow out the candle of faith and hope in people's hearts before it is
>>>> even lit, before it can ever be shared to light another's whose flame went
>>>> out ( but drugs! Brave new world!)
>>>> ...
>>>> Bruce Lee 'intercepting fist' ... Aikido - bend nonviolence and
>>>> harmonizing to invisibly co-opting 'regulatory capture' corrupting using
>>>> energy against themselves... Nonviolent activism to have people destroy any
>>>> movements of real hope against be power, excluded middle, 'forced choice'
>>>> of passive/ surrender/ conform or direct desperate reaction/ attack...
>>>> Instead of slow careful open change in the right direction compounding
>>>> every day over years... Make Nonviolent solutions that work illegal/
>>>> control the public discourse to exclude real dialogue and understanding and
>>>> meaningful paradigm shift with/ through 'mutuality' win-win 'non-zero sum
>>>> games' [[[ ie sabotage possible wins for all to force win-lose for self for
>>>> bigger payout...  ]]] ...
>>>> Transparency/ accountability [Schneier, 'the battle for power on the
>>>> Internet's ] is part of what is necessary for 'emergent complex,
>>>> 'self-generating systems (like 'life' ) to get necessary 'true' 'feedback'
>>>> in order to properly...
>>>> 'do'
>>>> "Homeostasis" ie self-regulating, including
>>>> survival functions... Ie
>>>> The "self-generating /re-generating" part...
>>>> So given books/ shows like
>>>> Asimov's
>>>> "Foundation"
>>>> Series...
>>>> Without "sharing power collectively"
>>>> (? Free will?)
>>>> The precarity of systems tend toward ...
>>>> Existing constantly on the edge of collapse...
>>>> Where 'meaningfully processes information' / situations in order to
>>>> respond
>>>> 'intelligently'
>>>> ...
>>>> When certain elements sabotage everything else to protect their own
>>>> indemnity "at any cost" including blinding other elements' capacity to
>>>> regulate themselves to function 'sufficiently' ( inadequacy marketing, the
>>>> story wars, Jonah Sachs ) it sets the individual/ sub collective that is
>>>> 'concentrating power'
>>>> 'against everything else' in
>>>> An
>>>> "Ourabouros" like scenario ( circle of life, 'closed systems', ...
>>>> Capitalism? Selfishness? Evil? ( Movie the one jet Li ) ...
>>>> ...
>>>> Sorry is this rant ok here?
>>>> On the internet I guess
>>>> 😬
>>>> Michael

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