Is there a name for the 'field' / operational teams in things (like) the m1litary that deals with "deserters"... Ie morale etc... and also c4me bridge Amal lit1ca style ... 1nfo w4rfare s1berw4rfare etc? I guess eh eye is getting 'scaled up ' ... A ...? Lot? ... Until like drug patches, embedded chips, neural implants, 'memory/ of personality adjustment' ( Bl4de r0nn3r 3tc ) Ok I don't know computer stuff I just bleed p4arnoia by breathing... At any rate no 1rl konfs so... Oh that auto correct, making sure it predicts my meaning / intentions/ behaviour before I even click send etc while transmitting in rt for onoralis to help grammarly so I can write b00ks... Multiple choice and ad-libs -only allowed, with approved 'dictionary words' only... Universal translator/ empathy/ compassion/ understanding slash s3crets stealer to break all security privacy and 'crack' all cybernetic control systems' ie mind heart brain soup ... Blow out the candle of faith and hope in people's hearts before it is even lit, before it can ever be shared to light another's whose flame went out ( but drugs! Brave new world!) ... Bruce Lee 'intercepting fist' ... Aikido - bend nonviolence and harmonizing to invisibly co-opting 'regulatory capture' corrupting using energy against themselves... Nonviolent activism to have people destroy any movements of real hope against be power, excluded middle, 'forced choice' of passive/ surrender/ conform or direct desperate reaction/ attack... Instead of slow careful open change in the right direction compounding every day over years... Make Nonviolent solutions that work illegal/ control the public discourse to exclude real dialogue and understanding and meaningful paradigm shift with/ through 'mutuality' win-win 'non-zero sum games' [[[ ie sabotage possible wins for all to force win-lose for self for bigger payout... ]]] ... Transparency/ accountability [Schneier, 'the battle for power on the Internet's ] is part of what is necessary for 'emergent complex, 'self-generating systems (like 'life' ) to get necessary 'true' 'feedback' in order to properly... 'do' "Homeostasis" ie self-regulating, including survival functions... Ie The "self-generating /re-generating" part... So given books/ shows like Asimov's "Foundation" Series... Without "sharing power collectively" (? Free will?) The precarity of systems tend toward ... Existing constantly on the edge of collapse... Where 'meaningfully processes information' / situations in order to respond 'intelligently' ... When certain elements sabotage everything else to protect their own indemnity "at any cost" including blinding other elements' capacity to regulate themselves to function 'sufficiently' ( inadequacy marketing, the story wars, Jonah Sachs ) it sets the individual/ sub collective that is 'concentrating power' 'against everything else' in An "Ourabouros" like scenario ( circle of life, 'closed systems', ... Capitalism? Selfishness? Evil? ( Movie the one jet Li ) ... ... Sorry is this rant ok here? On the internet I guess 😬 Michael