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Re: Canadian Web Hosting

On Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 07:56:43AM -0500, Dianne Skoll via linux wrote:
> For virtual private servers, I use these two:
> OVH:      https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-ca/


I see that OVH will give you a single IPv6 address.  Will they also give
you a /64?

I'm considering the move, but I struggled with the whole /64 of my
assigned v6 address being on a SMTP naughty list at Linode.  They routed
a /64 to me and that solved all my issues.


Martin Hicks           |      mort [ at ] bork [ dot ] org
Bork Consulting Inc.   |  +1 (613) 266-2296

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